Many planned for their life to be better and secured, ensuring that they are able to enjoy life ahead. However, they fail to plan and eventually plan to fail. Let aside regarding their needs and lack of discipline to actually save for their retirement, most people regret did not know the importance of saving for their old days. EPF, KWSP, KWAP or own personal investment, it is actually enough to sustain you from your last day working till your the last breath as a human in this world? For example, an average man gaining monthly salary of RM 5K will accumulate approximately RM 250K in his EPF. WOW! RM250K.. that's alot!! * some might think its enough. Allow me to show you the real scenario behind this:-
Retirement Age: 55 years old
Life Longevity: 75 years old
Age to Sustain: 20 years
RM 250K / 20 years = RM 12,500 / year
We take;
RM 12,500 / 12 months = RM 1041.67 / month * This is the amount to be spend monthly, from a man's salary of RM 5K.. he is now to spend almost 80% less from his normal pay. With this amount, you will be finishing it to pay your house loan, car loan, credit cards, personal loan, house bills and many more. So, what is left for you at the end of the day? Here's the interesting part, people will say .. "Its ok, I will use this money (RM 250K) to start up my own business. I'll be alright".
Let me set the alarm up for you before it's too late, 97% people who do business, fail within 5 years. From lacking of the business knowledge, management, capital etc. Its never too late to save for your retirement, whether you are gaining low or high income.